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[On Demand] Business Plan 101

Webinar Description

Whether your business is still a dream or well underway, a thoughtful business plan can add significantly to your success. Preparing the plan helps identify critical business elements, answers essential questions about profitability and provides a continuing roadmap for both today’s management and tomorrow’s growth. Lastly, a business plan sends a clear message to customers, investors and competitors that you understand your business, its challenges and its opportunities.


• What is your value proposition?

• Who are your customers? Why?

• Are YOU the right person for the business? Why?

• Where is the CASH needed for you to start?

• Where is the REVENUE needed for you to prosper?

An effective, dynamic business plan provides both the foundation and the roadmap for your business. It doesn’t need to be long. It doesn’t need to be pretty. It does need to be honest and realistic.

Mike Forney
Larimer SBDC Counselor
SCORE Counselor

Fee: $20

After watching this webinar, we recommend scheduling an appointment for free one-on-one consulting through the Larimer Small Business Development Center. You can begin by registering at: Consultations

You may access workshop materials for this class on our website. To access the class materials, sign in to your Client Dashboard: If you have not established a password, just enter the email address you registered with and you will be able to create one. If you are unable to reset your password online, please call our office at 970-204-8600 and we will be able to assist you. You’ll be taken in to your Welcome screen and should see the workshops you are registered for. Click on the workshop title, and below the workshop description you’ll find the documents for the course.

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